How to connect your BISD email to an Android device

Please follow these instructions to connect your Birdville email with an Android device. *Please note that pictures below may vary from the way your phone looks.


Step 1: Go to "Settings" then "Accounts"


iCloud Account Setting Android

Step 2: Hit the "Add Account" button.


Add Account Android

Step 4: Make sure to select “Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync” account.


Microsoft Exchange Account

Step 5: - In the first field, you are asked for your Birdville email address.

            - In the second field, enter your regular network password. This is the same as webmail/logging into a computer.

            - Then click ‘Manual setup.’

Manual Setup Option



Step 6: - When asked for 'DOMAIN\Username' - enter your regular BISD network login name. This is the same username used for webmail/computer login. If that does not work, try entering bisd\username.

            - Your 'PASSWORD' should already be prefilled from earlier entry - leave it alone on this step.

            - The Exchange server is always ‘’

            - 'USE SECURE CONNECTION (SSL)' should ALWAYS be checked, the other options should remain unchecked.

            - Click Next


Exchange Server Setting Page


Step 7: Click [OK] on the next screen with a ‘Remote Security Administration’ alert box. This box means you can control your device from your webmail account and also enables certain other security features for safety.


Final Step: You can adjust certain account options from this screen.

Manual Setup Next


- The most important is ‘PERIOD TO SYNC EMAIL’: How many days of e-mail your device will retrieve. This setting applies to ALL of your mail folders on the server, even sub-folders. Most people set this to 'TWO WEEKS' - but you can adjust based on your needs.

- You can also choose to sync your calendar and contacts. However, if you want to keep your personal calendars and contacts separate from your BISD items, leave those boxes unchecked.