If you are a teacher or a parent, please see the teacher page [Click Here] or parent page [Click Here] for resetting your password.

If you are a student, note that your teacher can reset your password [Click Here] for you, or you can reset your own if you have an email address on your account. If you do not have an email address on your account, please ask your teacher to reset your password [Click Here]. For more details, please find the situation below that best describes you, and follow the appropriate steps to reset your password.

You do NOT have an email address associated with your Account:

Please ask your teacher to reset your password for you.

Your teacher can reset your password and look up your username from the Members page of the group you are in. Simply have them go to the group you are in, and click the "Members" tab on the left. Your username will be listed below your name. The teacher can reset your password by clicking "More" to the right of your name, then "Change Password."

For more information on how your teacher can change your password for you, see here: Manage Members in your Group [Click Here].

Your teacher who has you in a group can easily reset your password in the "Members" [Click Here] tab of your group.