Some of our BISD employees who work in Skyward are also Parents of BISD students and have Skyward Family Access. Skyward secure users receive a login and initial password to login. There is a separate login and password for them to use for Family Access. Those BISD employees who are also Parents/Guardians will log into Skyward the following way:

  1. Log into SKYWARD with your employee access.
  2. Click on the ACCOUNT link at the top right hand side of the screen.
  3. View the FAMILY ACCESS - login towards the bottom of the screen. Usually *FA-xxxxxx, (where xxxxxx is the employee's ID number).
  4. Change the FAMILY ACCESS password on this screen. Click Save.


  1. Open another instance of Skyward, and input the FAMILY ACCESS login and the new password just created.
  2. Select FAMILY ACCESS instead of ALL AREAS.
  3. You should be in Family Access now.