In SMS 2.0-- Federal/State Report/Texas State Reporting/Reports


Student Detail Report:

The STUDENT DETAIL REPORT is referred to as the DAILY REGISTER in Skyward. In TX for PEIMS purposes, we will still refer to it as the Student Detail Report.

Click on Daily Register-DR to run the Student Detail Report.

If you don’t already have a template in place for Term 6, click the ADD button.

  • If you do have a template, edit it to make sure the settings are correct as shown on the next page.

Click the SAVE button

Then select the report in the template list and click print.

Once your report is run you can save it to your U drive. You must print the signature pages. You and your principal must sign them and bring them to TIMS.

2. Contact Hours Report (Campus Summary Report), go to SR/TX/RE/Contact Hours Report.

You must print the SDR before you print the Campus Summary Reports.

Click ADD to create a template. Title the first template as Semester 1. Use the drop down menu to select “Principal’s Semester Report”. Set the reporting period to

1. Check all the boxes. Click SAVE and PRINT.


You will save this report to the File Server. You will also need to print it out and have each special program sign the signature pages. These will be brought to TIMS.


Add a new template and title it Semester 2.

Change the Report to Print to “Principal’s Semester Report”.

Set the reporting period to 2.

Click Save and Print.

You will save this report to the File Server. You will also need to print it out and have each special program sign the signature pages. These will be brought to TIMS.