All purchases under Title I, Part A must align to the intent and purpose of the grant: “to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach, at minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.” 


In other words, all allocated funds must impact teaching and learning in the 2020-2021 school year. For this reason, campuses submit Eduphoria forms that tie purchases to the goal and strategy in the Campus Improvement Plan that justifies the request for purchase. The CIP must also have Title I listed as a fund source for that strategy.


Additional considerations that apply to all purchases:


  1. Will the purchase provide supplement benefits to students in need, and will not supplant local and district monies that are being spent for the same services on other campuses?
  2. Does the purchase fill a specific need identified in the campus Comprehensive Needs Assessment
  3. Is the purchase included in the Campus Improvement Plan?
  4. Is the purchase reasonable, meaning that the cost is one that a prudent person would pay for the same services?
  5. Is the purchase allocable, meaning that the purchase will be used to support learners in need under Title I, Part A - and that any other benefits are incidental?
  6. Is the purchase allowable? Certain types of purchases are disallowed under Title I by the federal government, state, or district. These are described below under “Specifically Disallowed Costs.”


Reference:       TEA Use of Funds One-Pager