The following is a list of checks you can do to make sure that your Canvas/Skyward relationship is happy and not sad! 

What to know that makes Skyward Happy.

  • Assignments must be assigned to section(s).

  • Teacher needs to visit their gradebook in Skyward.

  • Assignment categories in Canvas must match Skyward exactly. Not even one letter off.

  • Assignments are uploaded FROM CANVAS TO SKYWARD, not vice versa.

  • Assignment titles in Canvas must be less than 50 characters. Skyward's assignment title limit is 50 characters and titles longer than that will cause errors.

What to know that makes Skyward sad.

  • Deleting assignments in Skyward breaks the link for that assignment with Canvas. Do not recommend this to instructors as a method of troubleshooting

  • Posting an assignment to a locked grading period

  • Teacher created assignment manually in Skyward.

  • Teacher is attempting to pass an assignment to Skyward that is in a closed grading period (determined by the due date of the assignment). This is not allowed.

  • Grading period seems to be "off by a day". This could be a mapping issue, go ahead and ask in SIS Channel with examples.

  • Canvas admin API token has expired. (Escalate to Admin stating such. If it is the Admin, ask in SIS Channel)

  • The teacher has un-merged their gradebooks in Skyward.

  • Assignment groups in Canvas don't match assignment categories in Skyward.

  • There is a section in the course that doesn't have a SIS ID.

  • Individually assigned due dates (so only assigned to certain students rather than a section or everyone).