You will need the embeddable URL of your document to be able to use it in our system.
Otherwise it will not work due to cors-policy issues.


Navigate to Microsoft Office 365 and open Microsoft OneDrive.

Reference: Microsoft Office 365: Login

Obtain a shared URL for your document by selecting the Share button on the file.


Select the Copy Link button.


In Wallboard, on the left pan, select the Custom button.



On the right pan, select the Widget tab, change the Content Type to URL, paste the shared URL in the URL field and add &action=embedview to the end of the URL.


You can also enable Interactivity, to make your widget interactive (ability to scroll in the document, change pages in a presentation).

This method will work for Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Word files.

For EXCEL files you can use these query params to perform different actions:

wdHideSheetTabs=True  : Hides the sheet tabs that are displayed at the bottom of all sheets in a workbook.

wdAllowInteractivity=True  :  Lets you interact with the data if your workbook has a table or PivotTable that can be sorted and filtered.

Item=itemName   :  Displays a specific item. If your workbook includes a chart, table, PivotTable, or named range, and you want to display only one of the items in your web page, use the Item parameter to specify that item. For information about named ranges and named items in Excel workbooks.

ActiveCell=CellName  :  Specifies the active (selected) cell in the embedded workbook when the web page opens. You can specify the active cell by cell reference (such as A1) or by name.

wdHideGridlines=True   :  Hides worksheet gridlines for a cleaner look.

wdHideHeaders=True  :  Hides the column and row headers.

wdDownloadButton=True   :    Includes the Download button so viewers can download their own copy of the workbook.

Add the query param to the end of the URL after the &action=embedview, like: &wdHideSheetTabs=True.

For Google Files

Reference: Wallboard: Embedding Google Documents