*The certificate you need to install is attached to this Knowledge Base Article. Please download it first before going through the following steps here https://w3.birdvilleschools.net/downloads/eapwifi/eapcert.crt or http://tinyurl.com/eapcert using the device browser.

Install a certificate

Open your phone's Settings app.

Tap Security > Encryption & credentials.

Under "Credential storage," tap Install a certificate > Wi-Fi certificate.

In the top left, tap Menu image  .

Under "Open from," tap where you saved the certificate.

Tap the file.

If needed, enter the key store password. Tap OK.

Enter a name for the certificate i.e. "BISD".

Tap OK.

Tip: If you haven't already set a PIN, pattern, or password for your phone, you'll be asked to set one up.

After you have installed the certificate, you will use the following information when connecting to BISD-5G 



Certificate = Named EAPCert.crt or "BISD" installed prior on phone 

Online Cert Status = Do not check 

Domain: birdvilleschools.net

Identity: AD username = District email address

password: AD password