Step 1:

Create a File on the desktop titled "Photos" or "Student Photos" by right clicking on the desktop and selecting "New" followed by "Folder"

Step 2:

Open Asure ID and look up the student/teacher that is having their photo taken.

Step 3:

Take the Photo using the Camera Application.

Step 4:

Right Click on the "Photo" section in Asure ID and select "Load From File"

Choose the photo of the student/teacher from the Camera Roll. Once you see the photo, click "Save" at the top.

Step 5:

Right Click on the "Photo" section in Asure ID and select "Save Image To File" and choose the file that was made in Step 1. Click "Save" once the file is selected.

Step 6:

Sign into Focus and look up the Student/Teacher.

Step 7:

Select "Primary Info" on the left hand side, then choose the Gray silhouette.

From here you will be Present with this screen. 

Choose the photo that was taken for the student/teacher in the folder from Step 1.

 Select "Open" and you will see the image show in this window. Select the red x in the upper right hand corner once the photo is here.
You can also select to "Take Photo" from this screen.


This photo has now been loading into Focus!

If you are in need of additional assistance, please reach out to Helpdesk for support.