Google Drive

By reviewing and deleting any files you no longer need from your Drive, your efforts can significantly impact district storage amounts

Check out the following tips and tricks for freeing up storage in Google Drive: 

1. To find and remove large files:

  • Go to, where your files are listed from biggest to smallest.
  • Right-click a file you want to delete and then click Move to Trash.

2. Find files and folders that you can delete using Drive search. For example: 

  1. Video files that you no longer need (try it in Drive)

  2. Audio recordings that you no longer need (try it in Drive )

  3. Old presentations (try it in Drive )

  4. Old drafts or copies of files

3. Select the files you want to delete and click Move to Trash.

4. Click Trash and confirm that you want to delete the files. Caution: After files are permanently deleted in the next step, you can't recover them.

5. Click Empty Trash. This action permanently deletes your files and frees up their storage space. If you delete many files at once, it can take some time for the space to be freed up.